EDRUG: Over-The-Counter (OTC) Drugs (2)
There were a series of articles in the British Medical Journal (BMJ)
by C Bradley and A. Blenkinsopp about OTC drugs - largely from a
sociological rather than a pharmacological persective, published
around May 1996.
Tom Walley
Liverpool, UK
Email: T.Walley@liverpool.ac.uk
Note from the moderator:
In March 1996, BMJ published following articles examining the
implications of the availability and use of over the counter drugs
for health services in Britain and elsewhere:
Kennedy JG. Over the counter drugs. BMJ 1996; 312:593-4
Blenkinsopp A, Bradley C. Over the counter drugs: patients, society,
and the increase of self medication. BMJ 1996; 312: 629-32
Thomas DHV, Noyce PR. Over the counter drugs: the interface between
self medication and the NHS. BMJ 1996; 688-91
Bond CM, Bradley C. Over the counter drugs: the interface between
community pharmacist and patients. BMJ 1996; 312: 758-60
Bradley C, Blenkinsopp A. Over the counter drugs: the future for
self medication. BMJ 1996: 312: 835-7
Thanks Tom Walley.
Syed Rizwanuddin Ahmad
Email: srahmad@essential.org
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