[e-drug] Pharmaceutical management for TB materials online (cont'd)

E-drug: Pharmaceutical management for TB materials online (cont'd)

[The former posting on this had an incorrect url! The correct url is
listed in this one. HH]

Pharmaceutical Management for Tuberculosis (TB) Materials

Now Available on the RPM Plus Web Site


To highlight the importance of pharmaceutical management for TB,
the USAID-supported Rational Pharmaceutical Management (RPM)
Plus Program has recently expanded and updated its Web site to
include materials related to pharmaceutical management for TB.

This collection of online materials provides:

* Information on upcoming and recently held RPM Plus events
(workshops, seminars, etc.) for pharmaceutical management for TB;

* Information on and access to selected tools, training modules, and
research activities developed and undertaken by RPM Plus to
strengthen pharmaceutical management for TB;

* Links to other key global players in TB control, such as Stop TB,
the Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Association (KNCV), and the
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Please take a few minutes to explore these new materials located at

We welcome your feedback. Please send comments/suggestions to

Alix Beith
Management Sciences for Health
Arlington, VA, USA
e-mail: abeith@msh.org

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