[e-drug] MSH/RPM Plus and GDF Union Workshop Annoucement

E-DRUG: MSH/RPM Plus and GDF Union Workshop Annoucement

Filling the Gaps in Managing TB Pharmaceuticals and Commodities

Full Day Workshop Session at the 38th Union World Conference on Lung

Friday, November 9, 2007

Cape Town, South Africa

Presented by Global Drug Facility and Management Sciences for Health's
Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program

Seating limited to 60 persons. Meeting free and open to all.

TB programs are gaining capacity year by year to manage pharmaceuticals
at the national level. Those handling TB medicines and commodities at
the district and health center levels often have little or no experience
in how to manage pharmaceuticals to prevent stock outs and promote
treatment compliance. Tools, operational research and experiences from
the USAID-supported Rational Pharmaceutical Management (RPM) Plus
Program and the Global TB Drug Facility (GDF) will be presented in
participatory sessions to enable TB programs better address these
problems in TB prevention and care.

Participants will receive the latest information: (1) from operational
research of MDR-TB drug sources, (2) from guides and tools for managing
TB pharmaceuticals and commodities at national and primary levels, and
(3) on availability of the most innovative products for promoting TB
prevention and care. For each topic participants will have the
opportunity to share and discuss polemic issues they face in their work.

For more information, please contact:

Aya Ishizuka