E-DRUG: Re: Adm org. of univ. of medicin and pharmacy (summary)

E-drug: Re: Adm org. of univ. of medicin and pharmacy (summary)

We have received by e-drug the information requested from Argentina,
Botswana, Canada, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, South
Africa, Sri Lanka an Zimbabwe.

In all the countries mentioned above, except for Sri Lanka, the Faculty of
Pharmacy, whether attached to the medical school or not, is assigned to the
Ministry of Education (MOE).

We would also like to draw your attention to the following points:

- Canada : the MOE generally controls the budget, the programmes and the
courses are decided in the University

- Malaysia: internships are administered by the MOH, except those in
teaching hospitals which are under the MOE

- Netherlands: university hospital staff are partially under the
administration of both the MOH and MOE, and postgraduate teaching for
internists can be funded by industry

- South Africa: training hospitals are governed by the DOH (Departement of

- Sri Lanka: pharmacy education (wich is still underdeveloped) falls under
the MOH, unlike medical schools which are under the MOE

Thank you for your collaboration

Carinne Bruneton
R�seau M�dicament et D�veloppement
35 reu Daviel
75 013 Paris
tel 33 1 53 80 20 20
fax 33 1 53 80 20 21
mail: ReMeD75013@compuserve.com

Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.