[e-drug] REMINDER!! Training Course on Managing drug supply for Primary Health Care in Amsterdam

E-drug: REMINDER!! Training Course on Managing drug supply for Primary
   Health Care in Amsterdam

[to respond DO NOT click reply. Respond to Ms
Line Kreft E-mail: lkreft@ida.nl ]

The World Health Organisation (WHO), International Dispensary Association
(IDA) and The Management Sciences for Health (MSH) organise together a:

Training Course on "Managing Drug Supply for Primary Health Care"

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 18 - October 29, 2004

� Expose participants to modern management techniques of drug supply systems
and to teach how to apply those in their own specific situation.
�Provide practical tools to decision-makers in essential drugs programs to
improve their level of performance.
�Exchange views and experiences between senior decision-makers.

Course design
The course lasts for two weeks and is conducted in English. It consists of
presentations, discussions, group activities and field visits. The course is
highly participatory - the interchange of skills and experience among course
members is essential for training activities and learning.
Please, be aware that strong English language skills are necessary to take
part in this course.

Major topics include:
� Drug Policy and Regulation
� Selection and Quantification of Drugs
� Procurement Methods and Strategies
� Quality Assurance
� Kit Distribution
� Financing Drug Supply
� Store Management
� Inventory Control
� Distribution Strategies
� Rational Drug Use
� Drug Supply Management Information Systems
� Indicator-based Assessments

Fees and costs
The total fee of 3500 Euros covers :
� transfer to and from the airport
� hotel accommodation (single occupancy)
� three meals a day during the week, breakfast during the weekend
� coffee and tea during course breaks
� tuition fee including books and materials
� field trips
In addition to this fee, all travel expenses and health insurance are
responsibility of participant or their sponsoring organisation. Applications
and fees must be received before August 30, 2004.

Applicants should complete the Course Application form in detail. Please
provide accurate address, telephone, e-mail and fax contact information on
yourself and your sponsor.
Please detach and mail the enclosed Course Application - or contact for more

Ms Line Kreft
IDA Foundation
P.O. Box 37098
1030 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Fax: (+31) (0)20 403 18 54
Phone: (+31) (0)20 403 30 51
E-mail: lkreft@ida.nl

Applications and fees must be received before August 30, 2004.

In addition to the experienced lecturers from Management Sciences for
Health, International Dispensary Association and World Health Organization,
we also invite guests lecturers with extensive background in essential drug
program management.

Partner institutions
  Management Sciences for Health (MSH) of the United States of America is a
private non-profit organization, that works collaboratively with health care
policymakers, managers, providers and consumers to help close the gap
between what is known about public health problems and what is done to solve
them. MSH seeks to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability
of health services by improving management systems, promoting access to
services and influencing public policy. MSH has provided drug management
training courses around the world since 1981 and has published specialized
training materials as well as the standard manual �Managing Drug Supply�.
This course will be based on this manual and other supplementary materials.

The International Dispensary Association (IDA) of the Netherlands is a
foundation, that since 1972 has been supporting health care in low- and
middle income countries on a non-commercial basis by supplying high quality
medicines and medical supplies at the lowest possible price. IDA keeps a
stock of essential drugs and medical supplies of over � 16 million euro and
has a quality control laboratory as a part of a unique assurance system. In
addition, IDA provides procurement agency services and offers consultancy
and training on topics related to the various aspects of drug supply

Applicants are required to secure their own funding to cover course fee, per
diem allowance, health insurance and travel expenses.
IDA and MSH do not provide funding for courses.
To obtain funding, applicants should contact government or non-government
agencies in their countries.
Participation will be confirmed by IDA with the applicant as well as
applicant�s sponsoring organization.

Line Kreft
IDA Solutions
B.P. 37098 - 1030 AB Amsterdam The Netherlands
Phone:(+31)-20-4037130 - Fax:(+31)-20-4031854
Website: www.ida.nl

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