E-drug: Course "Managing drug supply for primary health care"
WHO, in association with the International Dispensary Association
(IDA), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), and R�seau
M�dicaments et D�veloppement (ReMeD), have organised a
training course for pharmacists, physicians, senior health system
managers and technical assistance professionals from
non-governmental and governmental organisations.
The course, "Managing drug supply for primary health care", has
the following objectives:
1. Expose participants to modern managements techniques of
drug supply systems and to teach them how to apply these in
their own specific situation;
2. Provide practical tools to decision-makers to improve
performance of essential drugs programs;
3. Exchange views and experiences between senior
The course will be held in Amsterdam in the Netherlands :
- from 15 - 26 September 2003 (in English)
- from 20 - 31 October 2003 (in French).
This year will be the eighth year of organisation of the course. Past
experience has shown that it is particularly effective in helping to
close the gap between what is known about public health problems
and what is done to solve them.
For additional information and registration form, click on the links
below or contact:
Julie Pasquier
IDA Solutions
Phone: +31 20 40 33 051
Fax : +31 20 40 31 854
e-mail: jpasquier@ida.nl
Link 1 - Brochure and registration form for the English language
course: www.ida.nl/download/cursuseng.pdf
Link 2 - Brochure and registration form for the French language
course: www.ida.nl/download/cursusfra.pdf
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Information and archives: http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug