[e-drug] The Access to Medicine Index 2012 Launched (4)

E-DRUG: The Access to Medicine Index 2012 Launched (4)

[Final piece on the ATM index launch although E-druggers may comment on it if they wish - moderator]

Hi all

The third edition of the Access to Medicines Index has been issued - here's the Guardian's coverage, copied as "fair use".

The full report can be accessed via:

[Please fix URLs in browswer if broken - moderator]


Andy Gray MSc(Pharm) FPS
* Senior Lecturer
Division of Pharmacology
Discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Health Sciences
* Consultant Pharmacist
Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)
University of KwaZulu-Natal
PBag 7 Congella 4013
South Africa
Tel: +27-31-2604334/4298 Fax: +27-31-2604338
email: [10]graya1@ukzn.ac.za or [11]andy@gray.za.net