E-DRUG: UN report highlights lack of access to essential medicines (2)
There is nothing new in this for the third world, which has been constantly suffering due to problems in availability, affordability and access of essential medicines.
Many studies have been conducted in this area, papers presented and published, meetings held, conferences and seminars conducted, but it is frustrating to experience that not much has changed in third world medicine scenerio.
All that has been devoured is plenty of information on the subject, instead of essential medicines. The actions of WTO, IPR, GATT have led to increased medicine pricing of patented medicines. The WHO and WTO seem to be at loggerhead with one wishing health for all while other's action point to wealth for few in pharma industry.
Dr Vijay Thawani, India
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09-13 Sep 2008: "The challenges in research funding". Moderator: Dr Anupama Sukhlecha
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22-26 Sep 2008: "Emergency contraceptives as OTC in India : boon or curse ?" Moderator: Dr Mira Desai
28-30 Sep 2008: "RSS - for convenient search downloads". Moderator: Dr Kiran Chaudhari
01-06 Oct 2008: "Integrated teaching in medical curriculum". Moderator: Dr Bharat Gajjar
Dr Vijay Thawani
Group Owner, NetRUM