E-DRUG: use of new antibiotics in Indian setting (3)
Dear Dr Mrs Walavalkar,
This is in reply to Dr. Mrs walavalker in rest to here reply to Sanjay
Saluja's letter for the said in subject
You have forgotten the basic principle of �survey�: it is always calculated
on the basis of masses and designed to find out the ground reality of the
subject (survey), and it has always to be kept in mind that the outcome
should be �generalized�, not to advocate some �interests�. There is no
possibility that you are not aware of the physicians Rx abuse for products.
You accept it or not; the reason is best known to you.
This abuse is not due to the inadequate knowledge of prescribing, but
failure of institutes like drug departments who are unable to develop a
framework for implementation and check on �rational usage of drugs�
programs, which are professionally designed by WHO and successfully
implemented in many countries, to keep tag on the marketing strategies of
the products developed by pharmaceutical manufacturers, which is also a
�key� job responsibility of the drug department beside on �quality�
This is a done in the known manner under the influence of pharmaceutical
lobby to give a free hand for mass consumption of their product.
Any view point on this is further welcome .
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