E-drug: Views on parallel imports
Dear E-druggers,
I'm wondering about your views on parallel importation of patented
goods from regions outside that which is "governed" by a
multi-national drug company.
The reason for my question stems from the fact that in my country we
do not have laws that govern parallel importation of goods. The
Ministry of Health in Brunei purchases goods via a tender system
where, all else equals, the price would be a major determining factor
in the choice of the award of the tender.
This has caused some distress amongst the appointed agents as they
see their "livelihood" being "stolen" from them.
We at the Pharmaceutical Services Department, who have to assess
the tenders from a technical point of view and also monitor the quality
of the goods purchased, have our reservations but have to stand back
when faced with the possibility of monopoly if only purchasing from a
single source and also when prices have varied (in favour of the
parallel importer) by up to 50%.
Any of your views and experience where parallel importation of goods
are concerned are most welcomed. And if there are any guidelines re
this matter, pls relay to myself at the following e-mail address.
Wong Wai See
Senior Pharmacist
Dispensary & Clinical Service
Ministry of Health
Brunei Darussalam
e-mail : ycwong@brunet.bn
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