E-drug: 'White' List and WHO Pre-Qualifiactions (cont)
A long while ago I proposed through this medium that post- inspection
reports be made available. Richard Laing is correct in suggesting that
WHO should not undertake this task on its own. Around the world there
are a handful of institutions that undertake credible, unbiased and
recognised inspections, along the lines presented by WHO. One can
mention the UK's MCA, and in the USA the FDA, etc. These centres can (in
my opinion) easily work with WHO to create a framework for publishing
inspection reports (in whatever format that would suit this exercise).
However, be aware that confidentiality is also a factor to consider
here, and a hurdle to overcome: Inspections and related reports are
currently not open to public scrutiny, for commercial and other reasons.
If the interests of both the manufacturer and the consumer can be
protected, then creating a white list, as suggested, may be feasible.
Inspection is a costly exercise (I dare not suggest sums involved!); not
many countries can afford to undertake this exercise annually.
Consequently, some manufacturers to be inspected fund the whole exercise
on behalf of the country wishing to conduct an inspection. All sorts of
question certainly arise, in this situation. It is possible, therefore,
to assume that some countries may be in a position to procure a useful
inspection report from a central collating point.
Boniface Fundafunda PhD, MBA, B.Pharm(Hon)
Marketing Manager
ECHO International Health Services Limited
Ullswater Crescent, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2HR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 8660 2220 Fax: +44 (0)20 8668 0751
Email: bfunda@echohealth.org.uk
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