Breaking The Silence About AIDS in Africa (2)
Dear Stephen,
This was an excellent response to combating AIDS and you have
definitely shown the way forward to "breaking the Silence about
AIDS'. Eventually Kenya is waking up (although belated) to
tackle this killer disease. Last week the Kenya President an-
nounced that AIDS is now a National Disaster in Kenya and went
on to spell out the measures and mechanisms that should be put
in place including AIDS education in schools. Today the Presi-
dent is reported in the local media as having told over 2000
Nairobi University graduates that Condom is o.k. for preventing
themselves against HIV infections. Well that was a big about
turn after he preached on morality last week to members of Par-
All the same these are good signs that the government will be
doing something. However we just hope such a commitment is
genuine and not a gimmick to attract donor funding that has
evaded Kenya through other channels. An activity like the one
involving youth in a football match really shows "money well
spent". at least we can expect 50% of those who heard the mes-
sage during the match and more so the ones who collected con-
doms will have 2-3 safe sex acts (may be more) and will live to
thank the organizers. Congratulations for that event and hope
that the Ministry of Health will mobilise all stakeholders and
provide effective leadership in replicating similar activities
during the Local and Inter regional youth forums and utilise
all avenues to "Break the Silence and safe our next genera-
Good Luck in your efforts.
Mary W. Kairu
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