[afro-nets] October Edition of the Scidev.Net Africa Newsletter

October Edition of the Scidev.Net Africa Newsletter

Dear colleagues,

The Science and Development Network (http://www.scidev.net) is
delighted to announce that the new edition of the Africa News-
letter, focusing on science communication and gender issues, is
now available. Coinciding with the news that Kenyan environ-
mental activist and politician (and former scientist) Wangari
Maathai has won the Nobel Prize for Peace, the October newslet-
ter includes profiles of women scientists and women science
journalists as well as reporting on some innovative science com-
munication projects.

Go to
to download the PDF (4 pp. 329 kB) or mailto:africa@scidev.net
to receive a print copy.

For an article on Wangari Maathai and her recent win, go to

Many thanks.

Barbara Keating
Project Manager