[afro-nets] SciDev.Net's sub-Saharan Africa newsletter - April edition

SciDev.Net's sub-Saharan Africa newsletter - April edition

Dear all,

The Science and Developments Network (SciDev.Net)'s latest edi-
tion of their sub-Saharan newsletter is now available as Adobe
PDF file at:

The newsletter includes news from SciDev.Net's network in Africa
and a piece on NEPAD's efforts in central Africa ("Can science
heal the scars of war?"). The newsletter also gives details of
useful networking opportunities and lists events in the region.
There is also the chance to win a Freeplay wind-up radio with
our photography competition.
(See http://www.scidev.net/africanewsletter/apr04.pdf)

For more information or to receive print copies of the newslet-
ter, mailto:marketing@scidev.net