Review Papers sought by SADC
Hello all,
A request has come from the Southern African Development Community
(SADC) health sector for people who may be interested in putting
together a review paper in one of the following areas:
- poverty and HIV, and the impact of current poverty reduction
strategies in the region on the HIV epidemic. This would motivate for
the link between poverty and HIV, and also do a small analysis on the
current PRSP in region, whether they are effective, and how they can
be improved.
- local manufacturing of medical supplies, drugs etc - motivation for
this, the obstacles for the region and if and how it can be viable
for the region in the current trade systems.
- Bulk procurement - a perspective from an economic angle, that sup-
ports bulk procurement.
All these are to be addressed with Finance ministers in mind there-
fore all should make economic sense.
They are not looking for academic theses(!), but a clear presentation
of the facts and options.
If you are interested in any of these please contact:
Dr Thuthula Balfour
SADC Health Sector Coordination Unit
Tel: + 27-12-312-0436
Fax: + 27-12-324-7616
directly. She will inform further on timelines, fees etc.
Rene Loewenson
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