RFI: Child HIV Status Notification Programs
Dear Colleagues,
I am currently working in the Zambia Exclusive Breastfeeding Study
(ZEBS) in Lusaka, Zambia. ZEBS, a randomized clinical trial, seeks to
determine if short exclusive breastfeeding can reduce breastfeeding
associated HIV transmission and infant mortality. With these outcomes
in mind, part of our project includes the testing of the infants born
to our enrolled women. We feel an obligation to share the results
with the mother and are attempting to organize appropriate counsel-
ing, etc. for this HIV status notification. As the children are so
young, the mother and/or father would be given the results; however,
we feel that this type of counselling is different from the normal
VCT counselling practices. Does anyone have any suggestions, proto-
cols, ideas, etc. on how to deal with such a sensitive issue? I am
sure that other projects have tackled this issue and I am interested
to hear about their experiences and responses.
Thank you for your time,
Katherine Semrau
ZEBS, Lab Manager
P.O. Box 30910
Lusaka, Zambia
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