[afro-nets] RFI: Standard quuestionnaire on medical male circumcision (5)

Dear Geoffrey and other colleagues,

The UN Inter-Agency Task Team on Male Circumcision (IATT-MC), constituted byy WHO, UNAIDS, UNFPA and UNICEF, has developed a number of tools and guidelines to assist countries and programmes to set up MC services that could be of assistance to you, including:

1. A situation analysis toolkit
2. Operational Guidance
3. Quality Assurance Guide and Toolkit
4. MC surgical manual

All these tools and guidelines are available on the WHO website: http://www.who.int/hiv/topics/malecircumcision/en/

Further information can also be found on http://www.malecircumcision.org (to be launched on 23rd February 2009) The Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention is a collaborative effort to generate and share information resources with the international public health community, civil society groups, health policy makers, and programme managers.

If you require examples of specific questionnaires then I suggest you contact the Rakai MC team in Uganda.

Kind Regards

Dr. Kim Eva Dickson
Medical Officer
HTM/HIV/Prevention in the Health Sector
World Health Organisation
20 Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
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