E-DRUG: Cochrane consumer website
[crossposted from cochranec consumer network; WB]
* Is there an infant formula that might help prevent asthma?
* Should food and drink be withheld after a caesarean?
* Any difference between human and animal insulin for diabetes?
* What's the best thing to do if you sprain your ankle? Or a child has a
that needs repair?
* Can exercise prevent osteoporosis after menopause?
The answers to these questions, and much more, in the new Cochrane
Library -
79 new reviews - 36 updated ones: other topics covered include alcohol and
arthritis, cancer, hip replacement, HIV/AIDS, infertility, neonatal care,
tuberculosis, wrist fractures - and much more.
Just go to: www.cochraneconsumer.com <http://www.cochraneconsumer.com
and click on NEW for a shortcut. You can also download a printable (PDF)
of the What's New Digest - for yourself, or to copy and send around.
Thanks to everyone who produced these reviews (and helped with the Digest).
Hilda Bastian
Cochrane Consumer Network
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