[e-drug] Therapeutics Letter #70: Clinical Pearls from the most popular Cochrane reviews in 2007

E-DRUG: Therapeutics Letter #70: Clinical Pearls from the most popular Cochrane reviews in 2007

Dear colleagues,

We would like to bring to your attention the 70th issue of the
Therapeutics Letter: "Clinical Pearls from the most popular Cochrane
reviews in 2007" that has just been posted on the Therapeutics
Initiative web site at http://ti.ubc.ca/en/letter70

As the title suggests, in this Letter we summarize the top 5 most
accessed Cochrane reviews in 2007: Interventions for preventing falls
in elderly people; Interventions for treating obesity in children;
Beta-blockers for hypertension; Low glycaemic index or low glycaemic
load diets for overweight and obesity; Nicotine receptor partial
agonists for smoking cessation.

We invite you to drop by and have a look at this Letter. Please feel
free to forward this message to any of your friends or colleagues that
might be interested in this topic.

We would appreciate receiving your comments on this Therapeutics
Letter and its possible implications in clinical practice.

Best regards,

Ciprian Jauca
Program Coordinator
Therapeutics Initiative
University of British Columbia