[e-drug] Effectiveness of Generics compared to brands (cont'd)

E-drug: Effectiveness of Generics compared to brands (cont'd)

Dear colleagues

I think what you are looking for are bioequivalnce studies which
compare a particular generic with its innovator brand
equivalent...These can be obtained from Drug regulatory authorities,
including FDA, WHO and the generic manufacturers themselves.

For advocacy purposes, it might help to look for cases where brand
products have failed! and success stories for generics.

It is amazing how brand pharma marketing brain washes very bright
medical professionals... you need to set up a group of diverse but
relevant health professionals (include pharmacist/clinical
pharmacologist) to deliberate these issues and allay the fears that
your colleague has.

Atieno Ojoo
Graduate MPH scholar
Boston University School of Public Health
715 Albany St T4W
Boston, MA, 02118
Email: mojoo@bu.edu
I will still use the yahoo address for edrug until I am well settled

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