E-drug: Essential Drugs/Sri Lanka/Donations
I'm looking for some reliable information about the drug-regulatory and
-controlling policy in Sri Lanka; some german supporters of health
projects in Colombo got problems with their larger donor organisation
because they bought the necessary drugs (mainly essentials) in Colombo
and the board questioned the quality of these drugs (without concrete
indications, just a general suspicion against "these underdeveloped
countries"). Is there anyone with some experience about that?
I can provide some answers to this but the whole question is unclear?
Is the request about the quality of the drugs registered in Sri Lanka?
Is it about the Drug Donation Criteria in Sri Lanka?
Till there is some clarification I might be providing the right answer to
the wrong question. (a la Dr Lexchin / IFPMA in the Lancet - nice comment!!)
Kris Weerasuriya
Prof of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo &
Secretary, Drug Evaluation Sub Committee
Dr Krisantha Weerasuriya tel/fax +94 1 695230
Department of Pharmacology email <phrm_cmb@slt.lk>
Faculty of Medicine, Kynsey Road
University of Colombo
P O Box 271
Colombo 00800, SRI LANKA
personal email <kw_twcp@slt.lk>
personal fax +94 1 573170
[The question was indeed unclear - Andreas, can you be more specific? WB]
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