E-drug: medicine prices
It is very important to have information on prevailing prices of
medicines in different countries, particularly developing countries. I
would like to know whether there is any publication or study paper on
this subject. This would serve as a good policy input to many
organisations engaged in the socioeconomic aspects of healthcare
systems in different countries.
Dr. Appaji P.V.
Director National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers
Government of India
e-mail: appajipv@vsnl.com
[The best way of going about this is to look first in the E-drug archives
<http://www.healthnet.org/programs/edrug.html>\. There has been a
lot of discussion on drug prices in developing countries; including on
comparative information on drug prices of various non-profit suppliers
in the world. If you do that, then you'll probable also bump into the
recent E-drug posting in which MSH announced its www version of
the International Drug Price Indicator Guide (on MSH's Manager's
Electronic Resource Center Web site at <http://erc.msh.org>).
Hilbrand Haak, E-drug co-moderator]
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