E-DRUG: Re: Problem suppliers (cont'd)

E-drug: Re: Problem suppliers (cont'd)


I think the reason that the idea of a list of under performing suppliers may
not have taken off is because of legal implications. Although a black list
would be more useful, perhaps a white list might be more feasible

The only way to really do this is to have a good supplier performance
monitoring system in place, and to share with others, through this conference,
which suppliers you have never had problems with.

I am very interested in this topic, especially to do with TB drug manufacturers
(combination drugs) and would like to hear from others.

Can any one tell us, is it illegal to publicize a black list over the email?

Felicity Mayfield
Government Medical Stores
P.O.Box ST 23

[Note from moderator: Don't see why it should be illegal, but I think many
would hesitate to do it and if blacklisting is not justified, I assume
companies on the list would go to legal action against the one posting the
list. As for quality of TB drugs, especially the combination tablets, we had
some postings earlier this year. Obviously advisable to choose the
manufacturer carefully. Kirsten Myhr]

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