[e-drug] Role and function of E-drug (cont'd)

E-drug: Role and function of E-drug (cont'd)

[Below I present 2 more responses on the role and function of E-
drug. HH]

I have followed the debate on whether the inclusion of non-
pharmaceutical or non-technical content on the messages are a
good development or not with interest.

I know that the debate has broadened over the years, but that
apparent lack of focus should be rather be seen as growth and
signs of maturity. In my little village back home, the young do not
contribute to discussions that are deemed to be above their heads,
but as you grow and mature your input on other issues are sought
or entertained. I think that can be said of E-drug now.

Getting out of the myopic stance of "professional only'' issues
allows us at the table with the bigger, broader issues that invariably
affects our profession and the practice of it. The newspaper items
and the cross-postings from other mailing services enrich our
experience and offer a deeper understanding of the issues.

I think that we should leave individuals with the choice to delete
messages without opening or to select which messages to read and
save for the future, but, by all means lets have the broader range of
articles so long as it has something to do with our profession and
the practice of it in the society at large.


Johnnie Amenyah
Pharmaceutical and Logistics Advisor
John Snow Incorporated, DELIVER Project
1616 North Fort Myer Drive, 11th Floor
Arlington, Virginia, 22209
Direct Tel. +1-703-528-8216 ext 5236
Phone. +1-703-528-7474 ext 5236
Fax. +1-703-528-7480
E-mail: johnnie_amenyah@jsi.com

I'm happy with the current mixture of political/technical bits on
E-Drug. We live in a world where technocrats and experts take
political decisions, take for instance the revision of the WHO model
list of essential drugs. My suggestions for E-drug would be: more
discussion about drug regulatory matters, WHO policy, more
involvement of people from Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Warm thanks to the moderators.

Christophe Kopp
President, ISDB
Staff editor, la revue Prescrire
PO Box 459
75527 Paris cedex 11
phone +33 1 47 70 86 06
fax +33 1 47 70 52 04

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Information and archive http://satellife.healthnet.org/programs/edrug.html
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.