E-drug: Wonderful new CDC web page on DES
I would like to alert e-drug readers to a wonderful new resource on
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) provided by the US Centre for Disease
Control. Have a look at http://www.cdc.gov/des/
DES is a drug perscribed to millions of pregnant women around the
world to prevent miscarriages or premature deliveries durign the
period 1945-1975. DES exposure may cause health problems for
both the women who took the drug and their children. The site gives
you all the details.
DES Action groups have been campaigning in the US, Europe and
Australia to trace exposed DES - people and full information about
the effects of the drug. The CDC meets a lot of the needs the various
DES groups have expressed.
The site has information for consumers and health professionals and
teaching/information materials for organisations that want to play a
role in informing the public. All is down loadable and CDC allows
others to use and reproduce the information. European countries
could learn from this example.
Go and have a look! And forward this message to other relevant lists.
Other useful sites on DES include:
A list of international DES Action groups can be found on
Ellen 't Hoen
MSF Paris
e-mail: ehoen@msf.org
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